Meet Kelsey
Hey, I’m Kelsey! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. This is where I share all my favorite home decor finds, apartment inspiration, and more! When I’m not decorating or creating content, you’ll likely find me outside soaking up the sunshine, at the gym, or working on my (favorite) role as a professional homebody.
Here’s how I got started.
In June of 2022, I married my high school sweetheart. We moved into our first home together, a new apartment! I was soo excited because this is my *dream* apartment — aka, it’s basically all white. 🤣
Leading up to our move in date, I realized how much I enjoyed shopping for our new place and planning out every space down to the tiniest details. I spent countless hours watching other home creators on social media and stalking their LTKs and Amazon Storefronts for inspiration!
All of which inspired me to start sharing my own journey of decorating our first apartment, too. I am also a professional photographer and naturally love creating content so this was the perfect fit. I may not have the biggest or most expensive home, but I love the cozy spaces we’ve been able to create in just 1000 sq ft.
I so appreciate you being here and following along!

Get to know me
N/A – not a coffee girl
I recently read
I don’t read much, but when I do it’s nonfiction (boring, I know)
on weekends you’ll find me…
Out at the farm where I grew up, at the lakes in the summertime, or just chillin’
I couldn’t live without
Chocolate… daily
Morning person or night owl?
Morning for sure
Currently binging
All the Marvel movies
favorite travel destination
Best piece of advice i’ve received
The only way to fail is to quit, so keep putting in the work and showing up every day.